Author Guidelines
Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies welcomes the submission of research articles, book reviews, research literature overviews, and research or reviews on datasets in education.
Manuscripts are accepted through online submission system.
All submissions should be original work that has not been previously published and now is not under consideration elsewhere.
Please conform to the guidelines below when preparing your manuscript.
1. Cover page is made separately with the following information:
- Author(s) full name(s);
- brief info about the author(s) (see point 4);
- title of your work;
- abstract of 200 – 300 words (see point 3);
- key words;
- funding, acknowledgements (if any).
2. Text of the article should be anonymous, with a title at the beginning. As a research article, it requires a structure according to the standard accepted by the scientific community:
- Clearly stated problem (research question);
- academic discussion presented, research gap identified;
- relevant literature review;
- research methodology, data descriptions;
- research results;
- discussion, conclusion;
- list of references.
Manuscript should typically be around 6,000 - 8,000 words.
References to literature in the text are placed in square parenthesis as follows: [Jones, 1999. p. 100].
The design of footnotes and notes within the article should be uniform, numbering is through.
3. Abstract is a brief and clear summary of the key points of article. We recommend following this structure:
- One sentence stating the purpose of the study or research question;
- no more than two sentences presenting the empirical strategy and/or theoretical foundations;
- no more than two sentences with key results.
The structure of the abstract may differ from the suggested one, but conciseness is encouraged.
4. Information about the author(s):
For corresponding author – full name, PhD/other academic degree (if any), position and place of employment, address, email, link to orcid*.
Example: John Jones – PhD in sociology, researcher at the Center for Research of the Institute of Education, HSE University. Address: 16 Potapovsky street. E-mail: ORCID: (corresponding author)
For other authors, the information pattern is the same but without the address.
* If you have ORCID, please add this link to your information. ORCID is a system of unified identification of authors and researchers, which facilitates scientific communication and search. The individual number consists of 16 digits, it is convenient to use as a link, for example: Read more about this project here:
5. How to make List of references:
The list is designed in APA7 style. Guidelines for formatting in APA7 style:
Systems that help to speed up the formatting:
- Web:
- Mendeley / Zotero
- If copy citation from the journal's website / Google Scholar
Examples: Levin T., Nevo Y. (2009) Exploring Teachers’ Views on Learning and Teaching in the Context of a Trans Disciplinary Curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(4).
Aagaard T., Lund A. (2020) Digital Agency in Higher Education. Transforming Teaching and Learning. New York: Routledge.
Every source for a modern article must have DOI (Digital Object Identifier). The exceptions are books, old articles from non-indexed journals, and so on. Please indicate doi as a weblink: https://doi... It is convenient to check the reference list via, which finds doi automatically. To do this, simply copy the list, but before it is designed in APA style, because italics will disappear.
6. Manuscript is presented in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or OpenOffice file format.
We recommend that text be typed with 12 font size and a single line spacing; italics are used for highlighting, not underscores (except URLs).
All illustrations, graphs and tables are located in the appropriate places in the text, and not at the end of file. All figures, charts, graphs and illustrations will be published in grayscale, so please submit them in grayscale if possible.
For articles already accepted for publication:
7. Acknowledgements and Funding: If you would like to mention colleagues, communities, conferences, and reviewers who helped you with the study design and elaboration, include this information as "Acknowledgements" before the list of references. Mention of research funding is similarly included in this block.
8. If there are Russian-language sources in the list of references, then first provide the entire list with the sources in Russian at the beginning, and then duplicate another completely English-language list (sources in Russian are transliterated (, and the translation is indicated in square brackets).
First, the manuscript undergoes initial consideration, as a result of which it will be rejected or accepted for peer review. See detailed information at Review procedure.
Authors are kindly requested to suggest one recommended reviewer. These suggestions are for guidance only and the Editor is not bound by them. Please be aware that all suggested reviewers will be vetted for legitimacy. You should only propose reviewers with expertise relevant to the content of the manuscript. You can provide recommendations via the "Comments for the Editor" at the first stage of the submission.
For authors publication is always free of charge.
9. AI Use. The editorial board would like to draw the authors' attention to the fact that all submitted and under review manuscripts are checked for the use of artificial intelligence (AI). In case of identification of the parts of the text generated by AI, the editorial board reserves the right to reject the article at any stage of the publication process. The use of AI is allowed only to work on auxiliary or technical tasks, for example, to search for and work with literature, to check and correct spelling, punctuation and grammar errors, typos and other inaccuracies. In addition, it is acceptable to use AI in the process of conducting qualitative analysis at such stages as code generation, coding and data analysis. In the case of using AI at any stage of research and/or writing the text of the manuscript, the authors must describe this use in detail. To do this, in the "Methods" section, you must specify which specific AI tool was used and for what purposes, as well as provide a brief description of the process of working with AI. This decision was made by the editorial board to promote the ethical approaches to conducting research, as well as to avoid cases of data falsification and related distortion of research results.