The vitality of Hobbes' Philosophy

  • Александр Филиппов Board of Tenured Professors; Department of Practical Philosophy; Centre for Fundamental Sociology
Keywords: Hobbes, state, war, Yves Charle Zarca, natural law, Skinner, Leo Strauss


Hobbesian philosophy holds the attention of the researches up to now. The most discussable questions are the following ones: 1. Whether the philosophy of Hobbes is to be considered in relation to his physics and metaphysics or it is an autonomous area of contemplation? 2. Is the philosophy of Hobbes immanently intelligible, as a system of interrelated suppositions or it is to be interpreted out of the historical context of his published works? 3. Is his bellum omnium contra omnes merely an intellectual construction or this notion can be referred to the historical and universal facts of social life design?


How to Cite
ФилипповА. (2011). The vitality of Hobbes’ Philosophy. Russian Sociological Review, 8(3), 102-112. Retrieved from