Myth about Mediatized Center: Post-Durkheimian Approach in the Media Analysis

  • Наталия Комарова University of Amsterdam, PO Box 15508, Amsterdam, 1001NA, The Netherlands
Keywords: Emile Durkheim, ritual, media, myth about a mediated centre


In the book (Couldry N. Media Rituals: A Critical Approach. London: Routhledge, 2003) there is a critique and further development of the approach in media studies based on the concept of ritual. The author once again turns the original Durkheimian approach and formulates the idea of the myth about media that is crucial for the functioning of contemporary society. The work is analyzed in relation to the context of traditional media studies approach to the analysis of a myth functioning.


How to Cite
КомароваН. (2011). Myth about Mediatized Center: Post-Durkheimian Approach in the Media Analysis. Russian Sociological Review, 9(2), 124-133. Retrieved from
Book reviews