Ron Eyerman. Toward a Meaningful Sociology of the Arts
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cultural sociology of arts
cultural industry
aesthetic theory
interactionist paradigm

How to Cite

ФеньЕ. (2011). Ron Eyerman. Toward a Meaningful Sociology of the Arts. Russian Sociological Review, 9(2), 75-80. Retrieved from


In the introductive chapter to “Myth, Meaning, and Performance: Toward a New Cultural Sociology of Arts” Ron Eyerman states meaningful sociology of arts as a new approach. He posits the interactional nature of art and considers art as independent variable that allows him to overcome the culture production paradigm. The acceptance of new sociological approach is possible if the sociologists of arts will take into consideration the concept of meaning. Inclusion of this notion into the theoretical framework extends the possibilities for the arts analysis as an object, notion, practice and field of aesthetic experience. Meaning allows to explicate the communicative nature of art, that appears in the art work fundamental openness toward the multiple interpretations. Following Adorno and Bourdieu Eyerman outlines interpretative and representational concepts of meaning and truth in the artistic work. Taking these conceptions as a base he postulates the meaningful sociology of arts research principles.
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