
  • Law Journal of the Higher School of Economics

    Журнал "Право. Журнал Высшей школы экономики" ("Pravo. Zhurnal Vysshey shkoly ekonomiki") учрежден в качестве печатного органа Национального исследовательского университета «Высшей школы экономики» с целью расширения участия НИУ ВШЭ в развитии правовой науки, в совершенствовании юридического образования.

  • Foresight and STI Governance

    Foresight and STI Governance is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing the articles that present findings from the forefront basic and empirical research related to foresight, strategic forecasting and planning, development trends and policy in the field of science, technology, and innovation.

  • HSE University Journal of International Law

    The journal accumulates the results of the fundamental and applied research on topical issues of International Law. Basing on the pluralistic picture of the theories and methodology of contemporary International Law, it seeks to develop a stereoscopic insight into the norms, processes and actors which shape the legal dimension of international relations.

  • Contemporary World Economy

    Contemporary World Economy Journal is an academic peer-reviewed journal of the HSE University’s School of World Economy. The Journal’s mission is to develop the discipline of World Economy and stimulate academic discussion in this field. It is published quarterly in Russian and English.

  • Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow

    Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies (Moscow) is an academic peer-reviewed journal published quarterly, established in 2004 by HSE University. 

    The journal publishes research articles, overviews, and book reviews. The mission of the journal is to disseminate scientific knowledge and support professional communication for the development of education. 

    Since 2014, the journal is in open access. It is indexed in the international databases SCOPUS (Q2); ESCI WoS; RSCI WoS; EBCSO; UlrichsWeb; CROSS REF; RePEc; DOAJ. 

  • History HSE

    History HSE is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles on a wide range of historical disciplines, sub-disciplines, and subject fields since 2022. The journal was launched by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). The journal is managed by the School of History at the Faculty of Humanities at the HSE. The journal’s mission is to advance the development of scholarly knowledge in history by disseminating the results of innovative research and providing a space for an exchange of opinions between historians and specialists from related disciplines and subjects. The articles published in the journal introduce specialists to new academic methods and stimulate interdisciplinary, comparative, and global studies that align with the HSE’s priorities.

  • Works on Intellectual Property

    The quarterly scientific journal “Works on Intellectual Property” is devoted to topical issues of copyright, related, cultural and information rights, legal regulation of cyberspace, legal support for the development of artificial intelligence technologies. publications recommended for the publication of the main research results for the degree of candidate and doctor of legal sciences and have the right to publish scientific articles in the following specialties: 12.00.01 - Theory and history of law and state; history of doctrines about law and state, 12.00.02 - Constitutional law; constitutional litigation; municipal law, 12.00.03 - Civil law; business law; family law; international private law, 12.00.04 - Financial law; tax law; budget law, 12.00.10 - International law; European Law, 12.00.11 - Judicial activity, prosecutor's activity, human rights, and law enforcement activity, 12.00.13 - Information law, 12.00.14 - Administrative law; administrative procedure, 12.00.15 - Civil procedure; arbitration process. The journal is included in the Russian scientific citation system RSCI.

  • Legal Issues in the Digital Age

    ISSN 2713-2749

    “Legal Issues in the Digital Age” open-access Journal is an academic quarterly e-publication which provides a comprehensive analysis of law in the digital world. The journal is international in scope, and the primary objective of the journal is to address the legal issues of the continually evolving nature of digital technological advances and the necessarily immediate responses to such developments.

    The target audience of the journal comprises university professors, post-graduates, research scholars, expert community, legal practitioners and others who are interested in modern law and its interaction with information technologies.

    The journal is published by the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow since 2020.

    The address of the publisher: 20 Myasnitskaya Str. Moscow, Russia 101000

  • Journal of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis

    The mission of the quarterly is to promote the development of psychoanalytic knowledge in all areas of its possible application, to create an open creative platform for the meeting of Russian and foreign psychoanalysts, psychoanalytically oriented specialists and researchers from various clinical and applied communities and universities.

  • Philosophical Letters. Russian and European Dialogue

    Russian electronic journal, which will discuss ideas, concepts and issues in the framework of the Russian-European dialogue on an interdisciplinary basis.

  • Universe of Russia

    Indexed by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK), Web of Science – Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), and Scopus

    Editor-in-chief: Prof. Ovsey Shkaratan

    Aims and scope: The Universe of Russia seeks to continue the national sociological tradition, where past and present have always been deeply interrelated. The journal publishes applied studies results, sources and issues on Russian social science history, latest statistics and scientific issues. The materials and studies are dedicated to the social structure of the Russian society, social institutes and processes, social policy, demography and ethnography. The Universe of Russia serves as an academic edition, a scientific review, a teaching assistant and an educational and methodological guide. It publishes both theoretical and applied studies results. 

    Contacts: Tel: +7(495) 772 9590*4193 . E-mail: (Editorial Board)

  • The Journal of Social Policy Studies

    The Journal of Social Policy Studies (JSPS) publishes major articles, disciplinary review essays, book reviews, and special sections, which involve various aspects of social policy including associated teaching and learning issues. In particular, the journal welcomes such articles, which integrate conceptual or theoretical ideas with the use of empirical evidence. The journal takes on the responsibility of translations from English into Russian.

  • International Higher Education

    Журнал «Международное высшее образование» является русскоязычной версией информационного бюллетеня International Higher Education и издается в рамках соглашения  между Высшей школой экономики и Центром по изучению международного высшего образования Бостонского колледжа (США) один раз в квартал.

  • Journal of Economic Sociology

    Ekonomicheskaya Sotsiologiya = Journal of Economic Sociology was established in 2000 as one of the first academic e-journals in Russia. It is funded by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE; since 2007) and Vadim Radaev (Editor-in-Chief).

  • Demographic Review

    The online journal "Demographic Review" (ISSN 2409-2274) has been published since 2014 by the Institute of Demography, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). The founder is HSE. Demographic Review is an academic open-access peer-reviewed journal addressed to professional demographers and others interested in demography.

  • Journal of Corporate Finance Research | ISSN: 2073-0438

    Journal of Corporate Finance Research aims to publish high quality and well-written papers that develop theoretical concepts, empirical tests and research by case studies in corporate finance. 

    The scope of topics that are most interesting to JCFR includes but is not limited to: corporate financial architecture, payout policies, corporate restructuring, mergers and takeovers, corporate governance, international financial management, behavioral finance, implications of asset pricing and microstructure analysis for corporate finance, private equity, venture capital, corporate risk-management, real options, applications of corporate finance concepts to family-owned  business, financial intermediation and financial institutions

  • Communications. Media. Design

    We are pleased to announce the academic journal “Communications. Media. Design”.

    Publication frequency: 4 issues per year.

    All materials will be permanently available and free of charge online. The journal is published in Russian and English languages. The editorial staff of the journal takes on the responsibility of translating materials from English into Russian. Our journal charge no APC or any other fees from authors, instead we are taking responsibility to proofread the article that passes peer revewing with a positive answer from peers. 

  • Trade Policy

    Журнал «Торговая политика» является специализированным изданием и предназначен как для исследователей торговой политики и системы многостороннего регулирования международного экономического сотрудничества, так и для предпринимателей и практиков, сталкивающихся с вопросами регулирования внешнеэкономических отношений. 

    Журнал предоставляет читателю материал в систематизированном виде и является профессиональной площадкой для специалистов-теоретиков и представителей бизнес-сообщества по вопросам осуществления и применения торговой политики в условиях недавнего присоединения Российской Федерации к Всемирной торговой организации (ВТО). Это позволит специалистам в данной сфере получать информацию комплексно, а кроме того в силу своей периодичности отслеживать общие и специальные вопросы торговой политики целостно и в развитии. Проблемы взаимодействия в рамках ВТО и других международных организаций, включая развитие этих организаций, одинаково актуальны для всех стран, вне зависимости от степени их развития. В нашей стране журнал является инструментом отслеживания и своевременного реагирования на изменения в реализации  торговой политики в сфере функционирования ВТО. Кроме того, российские предприниматели с помощью аналитических материалов журнала будут своевременно получать информацию о современных тенденциях и взглядах на развитие международной торговли, что будет способствовать их выходу на новые рынки сбыта для своей продукции, привлечению инвестиций в развитие бизнеса.

  • Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics

    «Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics» was established by the National Research University — Higher School of Economics (HSE) in 2004 and is administered by the School of Psychology of HSE.


    Armyanskii ln., 4-2, Moscow, 101000, Russia


  • Urban Studies and Practices

    Urban Studies and Practices is a bilingual peer-reviewed  academic journal. The purpose of publication is to advance the theory and practice of how cities, urban areas, and communities function and develop. The journal is a new platform where novice and already experienced specialists in the field of urban planning can exchange experience and knowledge with the help of empirical and theoretical research articles, reviews of scientific literature by Russian and foreign authors.

  • Journal of Language and Education

    Journal of Language and Education (JLE)  is a peer-reviewed electronic international journal published quarterly by the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia. The journal publishes theoretical, analytical and research articles in the fields of linguistics, interdisciplinary linguistic studies, psycholinguistics, pedagogical psychology, methods of teaching languages and cross-cultural communication. The articles range from research-based work to personal experience of implementing a language course. The journal addresses academics, professionals, and students interested in innovations in phonetics, lexis, grammar, interdisciplinary linguistic studies and theory and practice of teaching languages.

  • Russian Sociological Review

    Russian Sociological Review is an academic peer-reviewed journal of theoretical, empirical and historical research in social sciences.

    Each issue (published in March, June, September and December) includes original research papers, review articles and translations of contemporary and classical works in sociology, political theory and social philosophy. We accept submissions in Russian, English, French and German.