Workshop Review: New Economic Sociology and Sociology: Where Do They Meet? Where Do They Diverge? Warsaw, May 22–23, 2017

  • Adriana Mica Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation of the University of Warsaw
  • Marta Olcon´-Kubicka Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
  • Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences
Keywords: new economic sociology, Albert O. Hirschman, workshop, Warsaw, Polish Sociological Association


This review presents the theoretical grounding and agenda of a series of works on new economic sociology that was launched in May 2017, in Warsaw, by the Polish Sociological Association’s recently constituted Economic Sociology Section. The workshop series comprises three annual meetings held in the second part of May. The long-term plan is to explore the relationship between sociology and new economic sociology by considering specific theoretical problems and, eventually, research sites. The first meeting, which was held this year, was a general warm-up and an attempt to establish the nature of the borders between new economic sociology and the discipline of sociology, and, to a certain extent, even economics. The second meeting, scheduled for 2018, aims to investigate the modalities of reacting to organizational decline or economic crises that the new economic sociology may be considered to have highlighted in addition to Albert O. Hirschman’s “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty.” The third meeting, which will take place in 2019, is planned in relation to a concrete research site that has been explored in new economic sociology, sociology, and anthropology (e.g., consumption; economic practices concerned with work, entrepreneurship, health, and education; or even art and food).

Author Biographies

Adriana Mica, Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation of the University of Warsaw
Assistant Professor, the Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation of the University of Warsaw
Address: 20 Podchorążych, 00-721 Warsaw, Poland    
Marta Olcon´-Kubicka, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Assistant Professor, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Address: 72 Nowy Swiat, 00-330 Warszawa, Poland
Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences
Researcher, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish Academy of Sciences
Address: 72 Nowy Swiat, 00-330 Warszawa, Poland
How to Cite
MicaA., Olcon´-KubickaM., & WyrzykowskaK. M. (2017). Workshop Review: New Economic Sociology and Sociology: Where Do They Meet? Where Do They Diverge? Warsaw, May 22–23, 2017. Journal of Economic Sociology, 18(4), 194-198.