Oligarchoz as a Successor of Postkolkhoz

  • Александр Михайлович Никулин Центр крестьяноведения
Keywords: agricultural enterprises, agricultural oligarchs, family economy, state and agriculture


The article is devoted to a new organizational form of a large private agricultural enterprise (or «oligarchozes») originated from post-Soviet collective-owned enterprises (kolkhozes). The fi eldwork was conducted in several villages of Perm region in 2008. The author tries to  fi nd answers on the following questions: where did «oligarchozes» come from? what relations are being formed between local rural communities, the state and new Russian rural oligarchs? what are major similarities and differences between old-type postkolkhozes and new «oligarchozes»?

Author Biography

Александр Михайлович Никулин, Центр крестьяноведения

Кандидат экономических наук
Доцент, руководитель Центра крестьяноведения, Интерцентр, МВШСЭН
Москва, Россия

How to Cite
НикулинА. М. (2010). Oligarchoz as a Successor of Postkolkhoz. Journal of Economic Sociology, 11(1), 17-33. https://doi.org/10.17323/1726-3247-2010-1-17-33