A Structural Approach to the Market Culture (The Case of Retailing Organizations of Magadan City)

  • Анна Владимировна Вторушина Северо-Восточный государственный университет
Keywords: market culture, retailing organizations, trade formats


The paper investigates market culture from the structural perspective. This analysis focuses on the Magadan grocery retail trade represented by four different organizational types: open-air market, traditional grocery store, supermarket, and chain stores. The author raises the following questions: how do social ties’ configurations reflect the market culture? How do social practices of market actors turn out to be an important principle of structuration of the market culture?

Author Biography

Анна Владимировна Вторушина, Северо-Восточный государственный университет

Ассистент кафедры социологии и политологии Северо-Восточного государственного университета
Магадан, Россия

How to Cite
ВторушинаА. В. (2010). A Structural Approach to the Market Culture (The Case of Retailing Organizations of Magadan City). Journal of Economic Sociology, 11(1), 57-83. https://doi.org/10.17323/1726-3247-2010-1-57-83
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