Goodwill and the Spirit of Market Capitalism (translated by A. Shevchuk)

  • Ronald P. Dore Лондонская школа экономики
Keywords: obliged relational contracting, Japanese economy, intermediate markets, X-efficiency, goodwill, benevolence, relational contracting, contracting


The paper deals with opportunities for making a market capitalism based on goodwill. The author demonstrates that economists exaggerate a role of self-interests for the market economy. While mutual long-term obligations, readiness to rely on goodwill and relational contracting may become a more successful tool for effective administration of the economy and improvement of the quality of life. In support of his major argument the author provides empirical observations of peculiar institutional arrangements in the Japanese economy. It is also pointed out that relational contracting based on goodwill exists in other countries and fosters important economic advantages

Author Biography

Ronald P. Dore, Лондонская школа экономики

Профессор, старший научный сотрудник Центра экономической эффективности (Centre for Economic Performance) Лондонской школы экономики
Лондон, Великобритания

How to Cite
DoreR. P. (2010). Goodwill and the Spirit of Market Capitalism (translated by A. Shevchuk). Journal of Economic Sociology, 11(3), 37-57.
New Translations