«An Expert must Strive to be Independent while Society should Support His Inspiration»

Victor Polterovich interviewed by Andrey Yakovlev

  • Виктор Меерович Полтерович Центральный экономико-математический институт РАН
  • Андрей Александрович Яковлев National research university Higher School of Economics
Keywords: think tanks, economics, expert community, independent expertise, economic policy, professional associations


At the end of 2012 and the start of 2013, the Higher School of Economics and the Association of Russian Economic Think Tanks (ARETT) conducted a project devoted to modern conditions and trends in the development of think tanks as a significant segment of independent research in Russia and their roles in the formation of economic policy. In the frameworks of this project, the quantitative survey of 50 think tanks was enriched by a series of in-depth interviews with the heads of some of these organizations (ARETT members and nonmembers). In addition to the interviews, for better understanding of how think tanks and the expert community are seen by academic researchers, in January 2013 an interview with the President of the New Economic Association, Victor Polterovich was also conducted. Economic Sociology’s editorial staff consider the arguments offered by Victor Polterovich in this interview as important, not only to understand the evolution of think tanks but also for stimulating the development of Russian academic community. Economic Sociology’s editorial staff is much obliged to Victor Polterovich and Andrey Yakovlev (as team leader of the HSE-ARETT project) for the opportunity to publish the full text of this interview.

Author Biographies

Виктор Меерович Полтерович, Центральный экономико-математический институт РАН
Президент Новой экономической ассоциации, доктор экономических наук, академик РАН, заведующий Лабораторией математической экономики Центрального экономико-математического института РАН, заместитель директора Московской школы экономики (МШЭ) МГУ
Андрей Александрович Яковлев, National research university Higher School of Economics
Директор Института анализа предприятий и рынков НИУ ВШЭ, вице-президент Ассоциации независимых центров экономического анализа (АНЦЭА), кандидат экономических наук
How to Cite
ПолтеровичВ. М., & ЯковлевА. А. (2013). «An Expert must Strive to be Independent while Society should Support His Inspiration» . Journal of Economic Sociology, 14(3), 8-26. https://doi.org/10.17323/1726-3247-2013-3-8-26