Psychology of Reflection of Altered States of Consciousness (on the Psychoanalitic Data)

  • Андрей Владимирович Россохин
Keywords: personality, inner dialogue, psychoanalysis, altered states of consciousness, psychoanalytic process, unconsciousness, dreams, reflection


The article describes the studies of psychoanalytic process which allowed the author to elaborate a new scientific direction — psychology of reflection of altered states of consciousness. The obtained results allow concluding that it is the reflection of ASC as an active subjective process of generation of meanings that initiates and realizes integrative processes in personality. This conclusion is proved by vast theoretical and empirical studies of different aspects of ASC reflection emerging within the psychoanalytic process: its peculiarities, structure and levels, dynamics of reflection passing, conditions of its activation and formation, inter connection of ASC reflection and external and internal dialogue, external communicative and inner psychic orientation of reflective processes in ASC, effectiveness of different reflective strategies in ASC.


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How to Cite
РоссохинА. В. (2011). Psychology of Reflection of Altered States of Consciousness (on the Psychoanalitic Data). Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 7(2), 83-102.
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