The 2d:4d Ratio and Economic Experiments

  • Диляра Рашитовна Валеева International Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms (LIA)
  • Мария Марковна Юдкевич International Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms (LIA); Center for Institutional Studies; Department of Institutional Economics; Administration
Keywords: 2D:4D ratio, prenatal testosterone, economic experiment


The paper presents a review of studies in behavioural economics looking into the relationship between economic agents’ behaviour in standard experimental settings (dictatorship games, ultimatum games, prisoner dilemma, etc.) and the ratio of their second (index) and fourth (ring) finger lengths that indicates the level of prenatal testosterone. The review shows that in a number of experiments the 2d:4d ratio exhibit significant associations with participants’ behavour and the outcomes of experimental games.


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How to Cite
ВалееваД. Р., & ЮдкевичМ. М. (2012). The 2d:4d Ratio and Economic Experiments. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 9(1), 83-94.
Interdisciplinary Research