Mental Spaces in Analytic Dialogue: Interaction on the Client’s Side

  • Мария Вадимовна Ломова State Academic University of Humanities, 26 Maronovskii Lane, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation; Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis, 13 Str. Yaroslavl, building 1, office №229, 129366, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: one-way and two-way interaction, interaction spaces, client territory, positional inequality and positional responsibility, instrumental inequality and instrumental responsibility, a priori responsibility, dynamic and structural aspects, setting


The paper starts with the discussion of one-way and two-way dyadic interaction between analyst and client. The issue of positional inequality and responsibility is raised, and the process-based distinction between positional and instrumental inequality is proposed. Weak and strong points of hierarchy in therapy are discussed, as well as the possibilities and necessary conditions for equal responsibility of therapists and client at the instrumental level of their relationship. A theoretical systematization of the therapeutic relationship is proposed, separating the structural and dynamic aspects, and relating those to different developmental stages. This scheme allows to propose new ways for research in analytical psychology and specific forms multifaceted approaches can take in practice.


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How to Cite
ЛомоваМ. В. (2012). Mental Spaces in Analytic Dialogue: Interaction on the Client’s Side. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 9(1), 40-61.
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