Hostile and Benevolent Attitudes toward Men: Psychometric Properties of the Russian Version of the Ambivalence toward Men Inventory

  • Владислав Сергеевич Кривощеков National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Ольга Александровна Гулевич National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Анна Сергеевна Любкина National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: ambivalent sexism theory, ambivalence toward men inventory, right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation


The Russian adaptation of the scale for estimating ambivalent attitudes toward men by P. Glick and S. Fiske is presented in the paper. The process of adaptation consisted of three stages and the full and short versions of the questionnaire were examined: the factor structure, the consistency of scales, and the structural and external validity were analyzed. In Study 1, an original inventory was translated into the Russian language and a confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the model of six factors, which formed two more general factors: hostility and benevolence, fitted the data well. However, further analysis indicated some problems with the formulation of items due to the cultural specifics. In Study 2, we examined the modified version of the Russian version of the AMI and created the short version. Results showed that this measure has adequate psychometric properties. In Study 3, we reproduced the results of the previous study on heterosexual and bisexual samples and examined the predictors of the AMI scales. The results demonstrated the stability of the factor structure of the scale in groups of people with different sex and sexual orientation, its internal consistency and validity. However, they showed that the short version of the questionnaire (12 statements) better corresponds to the empirical data than the long version (20 statements) does. The obtained results allow the Russian-language version of AMI to be considered as a reliable and valid tool for assessing ambivalent attitudes toward men.


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How to Cite
КривощековВ. С., ГулевичО. А., & ЛюбкинаА. С. (2018). Hostile and Benevolent Attitudes toward Men: Psychometric Properties of the Russian Version of the Ambivalence toward Men Inventory. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 15(3), 427-446.
Questionnaires for Studying Social-Psychological Issues