Productivity of the Dialogical Relationships Self - Other

  • Елена Борисовна Старовойтенко National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: Self, Other, relation, dialog, creativity, productivity, other, culture, hermeneutics, model, reflection


The article presents the results of the application of the hermeneutical, reconstruction and modelling methods in studying the issue of the multi-aspect productivity of the relationships of the personality with the Other. Based on the hermeneutical analysis and synthesis of the relevant ideas by Sergey Rubinshtein, Mikhail Bakhtin, Martin Buber, Paul Tillich, Maurice MerleauPonty, Donald Winnicott, Jacques Lacan, for the first time the following criteria of productivity of the relationships I – the Other in connection with its dialogicality are explicated: multitude of aspects of I involved into the relationships; real interaction of I and the Other, enhancing bodily capabilities of each; dialogicality of the relationships; providing for interaction «in between»; activity of I in the Other; turning of I to self; reflexivity of I in realization of dialogical relation to the Other; multitude of others involved in relationships of I with a specific person; value based nature of the relationships of I with the Other; complex psychological nature of the relationship; revelation and coordination of the potentials of consciousness and unconsciousness in the relationship; creative activity of I aimed at the Other, self and objects in cultural context; knowledge and productive arrangement of the relationship controversies; positive changes of I and the Other in the dynamics of dialogical relationship; creation and renewal of objects involved into the relationship; expansion of spectrum and improvement of quality of links of I with numerous persons as the effect of dialogical relationship with the Other; fullness of subjective living and self-development of I in relation to the Other or establishment of the “dialogical Self”; creation of I-texts addressed to the Other and others (confessions, autobiographies, narrations etc.); authorial contributions of personality to culture as those of a subject of relationship with the Other. Based on the singled out criteria there has been developed a theoretical model of productive relationship I – the -Other which unites dialogical I-positions of personality in dimensions Between-I – and – the Other, I – in – the Other, the Other – in – I, I – in – self – with – the Other. The model constitutes substantial and operational basis to create new reflexive techniques which can take the form of an interview, questionnaire, self-cognition method etc. The novelty of the author’s approach is in the discovery and detailed justification of the connection between productivity and dialogicality of the relationship I and the Other, which is not sufficiently studied in classical psychological and philosophical texts, modern studies, applied works from such points of view as genesis, multiple approaches, constructive effects.


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How to Cite
СтаровойтенкоЕ. Б. (2018). Productivity of the Dialogical Relationships Self - Other. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 14(3), 408-432.
General Personology