The Relation between Emotional Traits and States and Emotional Processing Speed

  • Татьяна Анатольевна Сысоева Psychological Institute, Russian Academy of Education
  • Виктория Владимировна Овсянникова National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: emotional processing, emotional recognition speed, emotional traits, emotional states, congruency effect, complementarity effect


There are a lot of studies by now, aimed at the detection of the link between emotional states and personality traits and processing of the emotionally colored information, but because of the variety of the studied traits, moods and tasks for processing their results are difficult to generalize. More often the effects of congruency are discovered (increase in effectiveness of processing information, which emotional coloring corresponds to emotional states or traits) and complementarity (increase in effectiveness of processing information, opposite in emotional coloring to states or traits). The objective of the present study was to identify the relation between emotional states and personal traits and speed of processing of verbal and non-verbal emotional information of various categories: sadness, fear, anger, joy, neutral stimuli. It was supposed to discover the effects of congruency both for the personal and the situational variables in relation to emotional stimuli of the corresponding content. Emotional state was measured with the PANAS scale. Questionnaires were used that measure happiness, depression, anxiety and aggressiveness as emotional traits. To measure the effectiveness of processing emotional information a computerized procedure was developed, in which the respondents were asked to assess, whether the presented stimulus was emotional or not. The stimuli were the photos of faces, expressing sadness, joy, fear or anger, as well as words, associated with these emotional categories, and the neutral stimuli. No effects of congruency or complementarity either for emotional states or for emotional traits were found in the general sample. The correlation analysis in the extreme groups with various combinations of expression of emotional states and traits found bidirectional effects (of congruency and complementarity, as well as opposite effects). Thus, the acquired results are mixed, which can be explained, in particular, by the measurement in this study of natural emotional states instead of their laboratory induction.



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How to Cite
СысоеваТ. А., & ОвсянниковаВ. В. (2018). The Relation between Emotional Traits and States and Emotional Processing Speed. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 14(2), 387-399.
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