Formation of Theory of Mind in the Conditions of Family Deprivation

  • Антонина Вячеславовна Хачатурова
  • Елена Алексеевна Сергиенко
Keywords: theory of mind, understanding of emotions, family deprivation


The study is referred to the peculiarities of understanding of emotions as an index of formation of theory of mind in children brought up in the conditions of family deprivation.  The study demonstrated that such children show deficit of theory of mind in comparison with children brought up in families. Compared to their coevals from families, orphans at the age of 5-6 years recognize negative emotions less accurately except for anger. This testifies the importance of recognition of anger for orphans. When drawing their own emotional states and emotions of an «another», orphans use a stereotyped symbol which is typical for drawings of an another's emotions by children from families at the age of 3-4 years. Most vividly the deficit of theory of mind in children in the conditions of family deprivation is revealed in their incomprehension of mismatch of causal and expressive components of emotions, in the use of ineffective strategies when resolving contradictions except for the emotion of anger.


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How to Cite
ХачатуроваА. В., & СергиенкоЕ. А. (2011). Formation of Theory of Mind in the Conditions of Family Deprivation . Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 6(2), 161-172.
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