Public procurement of services in the European Union law: general characteristics and key notions

  • Е В Постникова
Keywords: public procurement, Directive of the European Union, the European Economic Community, the legal regulation of public procurement, public services


The suggested article is devoted to the assessment of the evolution of the EU legislation in the sphere of the public procurement of services. Basing on the complex analysis of the practice of the Court of Justice the author reveals some character features of a service according to the Treaty establishing the European Community and gives definitions to such notions as services of general interest and services of general economic interest. There also has been given a general characteristic of the basic active legal acts of the EU: the author reveals the contents of such notions as public contract, including public service contract, and contracting authorities; examines the procedures for the award of public service contracts and reveals peculiarities of the award of public contracts for the provision of social services of general interest.


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How to Cite
ПостниковаЕ. В. (2011). Public procurement of services in the European Union law: general characteristics and key notions. State Procurement: Management, Placement, Maintenance. Academic Appendix, (3), 22-57. Retrieved from
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