On the choice of the rules for running one-step auctions within the bounds of the 94-FL law

  • А С Беленький
Keywords: 94 federal law, state order, one-step auction


Generally auctions are considered to be one of the most fair ways of placing the state procurement, mostly because they rule out the possibility for the customer to chose the executor using his own discretion. In this case the state procurement can be won by an executor who has no necessary experience and understanding of the real cost of the work’s execution while the company that can fulfill it with proper quality loses the project. Can this contradiction be solved within the bounds of the 94-FL law providing equal chances of winning to all the potential executors? The author of the article proves that this is possible.


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How to Cite
БеленькийА. С. (2011). On the choice of the rules for running one-step auctions within the bounds of the 94-FL law. State Procurement: Management, Placement, Maintenance. Academic Appendix, (3), 2-11. Retrieved from https://ojs.hse.ru/index.php/gzpr/article/view/2852
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